Advocacy Response from the Liberal Government

A month ago, we sent a letter to the Liberal government voicing our displeasure with the recent liquor reform. Yesterday we got a response. Needless to say, it skirted the issue. Also note that they misaddress President Ari as “Mr.”

Response from Liberal Government

CAMRA BC Executive

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CAMRA BC Liquor Reform Advocacy Update

Recently, consumers have had further changes to the liquor pricing model that our province uses, and it’s been devastating to the craft beer community. In order to update all BC members on what’s happened, as well as let you know one of our first steps in attempting to change the situation, we’re posting a letter written by the CAMRA BC advocacy committee. We hope you’ll take a moment to read it, and perhaps send your own version to the BC Liberals who have, yet again, betrayed our fantastic craft beer community.

If you’d like to tell Suzanne Anton what you think of the changes she and her team have made you can send her mail at

Honourable Suzanne Anton
PO BOX 9044 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9E2

She recently claimed that craft beer sales have gone up 40% in the last year. Make sure she knows that it’s no thanks to her.

Here’s our Letter to Suzanne Anton

The CAMRA BC Executive

Banner photo courtesy Granville Liquor Store
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President’s Update #2!

Hello everyone!
This past month a lot of exciting things have been taking place behind the scenes here at CAMRA BC. First and foremost I’m pleased to welcome the opening of CAMRA BC South Okanagan Branch. It’s all thanks to many months of planning and the hard work of Paddy Treavor, President of CAMRA BC Powell River, and Kim Lawton our new President of CAMRA BC South Okanagan, as well as the newly formed SOK executive. If you have any craft-beer loving friends in the Okanagan let them know that they can join in on the CAMRA BC fun. Congratulations on your new branch, South Okanagan!

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