I’m not sure where I’m sending this; I hope it’s an appropriate destination.
I have the impression that a password, provided after payment of dues, is required to access the CAMRA Victoria newsletter.
I think this is a mistake.
It is to your (our?) advantage to have this newsletter disseminated as widely as possible, so it should be available to anyone who is interested in it, whether or not they pay dues. There are many cogent reasons to belong to CAMRA Victoria, other than access to the newsletter. I have been a member for several years, but have never yet attended a meeting, as it’s too far to travel (I’ve lived in Yellowknife, Calgary, and, most recently, Grande Prairie while I’ve been a member). Some day, I hope to attend a meeting or social activity. Until then, I think that as many people as possible should be encouraged to see our newsletter, whether or not they join our organization.
Brian Read
I concur with Brian and hope the newsletter will be available publicly. If more people learn about what CAMRA is doing then the likelihood of them joining will increase! We are on a mission……
For the first few years of CAMRA Victoria we did exactly what you are suggesting, Brian. We distributed free (paper) copies at Spinnakers, Hugos, Swans, Canoe and Vancouver Id Brewing. We successfully recruited new members this way. We were following CAMRA UK, as branch newsletters are available in all good pubs in Britain.
Some members of the executive felt that there would be people out there who would not bother to join because they could get the newsletter free. They argued that since there was a cost to the free newsletters that we were allowing them to get a free ride. The executive at that time voted to stop spending money on printing copies of What’s Brewing except for distribution at the GCBF. I did not have much time to stop at the CAMRA booth this year, but I assume among the handouts would have been copies of WB.
Since there’s no out of pocket cost to the electronic version, I think that the issue should be revisited at the next general CAMRA meeting (which I can find no date for – help!).
I’m not sure where I’m sending this; I hope it’s an appropriate destination.
I have the impression that a password, provided after payment of dues, is required to access the CAMRA Victoria newsletter.
I think this is a mistake.
It is to your (our?) advantage to have this newsletter disseminated as widely as possible, so it should be available to anyone who is interested in it, whether or not they pay dues. There are many cogent reasons to belong to CAMRA Victoria, other than access to the newsletter. I have been a member for several years, but have never yet attended a meeting, as it’s too far to travel (I’ve lived in Yellowknife, Calgary, and, most recently, Grande Prairie while I’ve been a member). Some day, I hope to attend a meeting or social activity. Until then, I think that as many people as possible should be encouraged to see our newsletter, whether or not they join our organization.
Brian Read
Thanks for your comments, Brian.
I share your thoughts. This matter will be discussed with the new CAMRABC executive in the coming weeks.
Here’s hoping that we see you at a meeting in the near future.
Cheers and thanks for your continued support!
I concur with Brian and hope the newsletter will be available publicly. If more people learn about what CAMRA is doing then the likelihood of them joining will increase! We are on a mission……
For the first few years of CAMRA Victoria we did exactly what you are suggesting, Brian. We distributed free (paper) copies at Spinnakers, Hugos, Swans, Canoe and Vancouver Id Brewing. We successfully recruited new members this way. We were following CAMRA UK, as branch newsletters are available in all good pubs in Britain.
Some members of the executive felt that there would be people out there who would not bother to join because they could get the newsletter free. They argued that since there was a cost to the free newsletters that we were allowing them to get a free ride. The executive at that time voted to stop spending money on printing copies of What’s Brewing except for distribution at the GCBF. I did not have much time to stop at the CAMRA booth this year, but I assume among the handouts would have been copies of WB.
Since there’s no out of pocket cost to the electronic version, I think that the issue should be revisited at the next general CAMRA meeting (which I can find no date for – help!).
Cheers John