CAMRABC will present 4 awards in October in Powell River to recognize efforts by our members and the craft brewing community in furthering the goals of the organization.
All members of CAMRABC are invited to submit their nominations for the four categories. The form for nominations will be available on the CAMRA BC website ( and links posted on the branch newsletters and websites.
The nominations will open on August 1 and close midnight August 23rd. CAMRA BC Executive will vote on the final candidates and winners will be announced & presented at the Powell River Octoberfest on October 4.
CAMRA BC executive members and branch executive members are ineligible for nomination.
Lifetime contribution – sponsor: Victoria branch
- CAMRA member who has made a significant contribution to the organization, elevation of craft beer awareness in the community.
- involved in the organization for a significant part of the society’s existence but not necessarily known to all members of the society
- exemplifies ideals of commitment and involvement.
- contributions while a member where significant in expanding the society or establishing its reputation.
Community activism for the Calendar year 2013- sponsor: Powell River branch
- Brewer/licensee or politician – a part of the Craft Beer triangle
- initiates, hosts and/or participates in activities that benefit the greater community – environmental or outreach e.g. hosting a charity event, implementing ‘green’ brewing procedures.
- goes above and beyond beer.
Innovation in 2013 – sponsor: South Fraser branch
- Meets CAMRA brewing standards and commitment to real ale
- Exceeds industry standards in leadership and innovation
- Happy staff/happy customers
- Good corporate citizen
Volunteer of Year 2013 – sponsor: Vancouver branch
- CAMRA member who is outstanding in their service to the branch/society.
- Takes on the grunt work of the branch – not just organizing but also the one who always takes the coats and cleans up afterwards.
- General dogsbody of the branch and most likely to be voted “I’d have a pint with him/her”